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How We Work

Principally we are coaches. As general management consultants with CEO backgrounds, we receive assignments as broad-ranging as the issues confronted by any CEO. Still, our pitch coming in the door, is to be a coach along the line of our mission statement:

     To help our clients achieve breakthrough leadership in
     how they organize themselves to monitor, anticipate and
     respond to their customers' needs and to the competitive
     forces shaping their industry.

We coach both individuals and teams, but our emphasis is on coaching teams.  We may begin a relationship by coaching a top management team at a strategic retreat, but more often we may recommend to the CEO that we first "prime top management's pump" by helping the company to organize strategic-challenge teams made up of what we now describe as "strategy revolutionaries."

This type of project could be an opening assignment.  As our relationship evolves, we typically help our clients think through and organize themselves better around the principles and compete-better capabilities we have outlined elsewhere on this site.